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Data Analysis & Visualization:
The Mental Impact of Video Games

I merged video game sales data and a gamer survey using Python, R, and SQL to reveal insights on gaming's future. I analyzed the genre's impact on gamers and identified key market players by publisher and platform influence.

🎯 Objective: 

  • Data Integration: Seamlessly integrate disparate datasets involving video game sales categorized by publisher, genre, and region, along with a comprehensive gamer survey using coding languages such as Python, R, and SQL.

  • Future Gaming Landscape Analysis: Conduct an analysis aimed at revealing insights into the future landscape of gaming through the combined datasets.

 📋 Responsibilities:

  • Data Integration Management: Utilize Python, R, and SQL to merge and integrate two distinct datasets—video game sales and gamer surveys—enabling comprehensive analysis.

  • Impactful Genre Dissection: Analyze genres to discern their mental impact on gamers, distinguishing between harmful and positive effects.

  • Market Dominance Identification: Identify and analyze dominant players in the gaming marketing arena based on publisher and platform influence using the integrated datasets.

🌟 Outcome:

  • Insightful Analysis: Unveil valuable insights into the future of gaming by dissecting genre impacts on gamers, distinguishing between positive and harmful effects, and identifying influential players in the gaming market based on publisher and platform influence.

NOTE: In order to run the code in the report, upload the hyperlinked datasets within the report to the Google Colab Notebook. Please reach out with any issues.

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